
HTI ImmunoChem-2200

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Manufacturer: HTI (USA)

System Function
Vessel: 2 or 4 standard microtiter plates or strip trays

Temperature Range: 25-60°C, (0.1 or 1°C increments)
Resolution: ± 0.5°C
Uniformity: ± 0.3°C
Mechanism: Peltier

Speed: 250-1200 RPM (10 RPM increments)
Mechanism: Rotating Motor
Oscillation Amplitude: 2mm

Modes: Set time, View time remaining
Resolution: 1 sec
Range: 0-99 hours, 59 sec ( 1 or 10 min increments)

Display: LCD, Monochrome
Keyboard: 8-key
Operating System: Microprocessor
Language: English
Design: User-friendly, real time adjustment to speed, time and temperature

Working Condition
Power Supply: 100 ~ 240V 50/60Hz 60 VA
Temperature: 15 ~ 35 °C
Humidity: ≤ 80%
Dimension: 27cm x 13cm x 27cm (W x H x D)
Weight: 7kg